pocket.gg Privacy Policy

smash.gg API & Auth Token

pocket.gg uses smash.gg's GraphQL API to retrieve data, such as tournament details. The API requires an auth (authentication) token for access, which can be obtained for free using a smash.gg account. Please visit this page for instructions on how to obtain a smash.gg auth token.

pocket.gg does not ask for or collect any personally identifiable information; only a smash.gg auth token. By providing pocket.gg with an auth token, you are allowing pocket.gg to make requests using the API and retrieve data from smash.gg, without having to provide pocket.gg with your smash.gg password. The auth token is stored locally, and is never sent to an external server (besides being used for authentication for smash.gg's servers).

The auth token does not provide pocket.gg access to your smash.gg password, and any details about the user that are displayed in pocket.gg (e.g. the profile screen displays the user's gamertag and tournaments) are never sent to an external server.

Crash Reporting & Analytics

pocket.gg uses Firebase for crash reporting and analytics, to improve and maintain the stability of the app. This automatically reports any errors that may occur (such as app crashes or errors when generating a bracket view), which greatly expedites the ability to fix them.

The information collected is anonymous, and pocket.gg does not share or sell your data. If you wish to opt-out of reporting diagnostic info, you can disable it by toggling the switch under Settings → Crash Reporting & Analytics.


pocket.gg includes the option to specify a country (and state/province if United States/Canada is selected as the country), which is used to load tournaments more relevant to the user. This feature is completely optional, the location is never linked to the user's identity, and the information is never stored on an external server.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. Please check this page periodically for any changes.

Last Updated: August 6, 2021